Leo Laporte's 2005 Gadget Guide


Leo Laporte's 2005 Gadget Guide

304 pages | Que (September 23, 2004) | 0789732084 | PDF | 17 Mb

Dedicated to the leagues of mainstream geeks who integrate technology into every facet of their lives, Leo Laporte's 2005 Gadget Guide is the definitive source for your gadget-buying needs in 2004-05. Leo boils down the reams and reams of product specs, slices through the marketing hype and delivers his best-of-breed picks for everything from digital cameras to MP3 players, GPS units to cell phones, and from home theater equipment to computer gadgetry. Leo will help you ensure that your hard-earned bucks are put to good use. Divided into seven easy-to-follow sections, you will find general buying advice, tips on what to avoid and Leo's top picks for each device type. Get the most out of your toy money with Leo Laporte's 2005 Gadget Guide.




Leo Laporte's 2005 Gadget Guide Leo Laporte's 2005 Gadget Guide Reviewed by Danish Yaqoob on 17:16:00 Rating: 5

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