How to create Wifi hotspot without any software | using command prompt

How to create WiFi hotspot Via Command Prompt
1. Go to command prompt and select run as administrator.
2. Create the hosted network. Write the command code -
  netsh wlan set hostednetwork.
3. Start the hosted network.
Write this command
netsh wlan start hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=name key=password.
Note: Instead of "name" after "ssid=" set your network name and instead of "password" after "key=" set your password to have a secure network
4. Access it on any Wi-Fi capable device under the network name "hostednetwork".
5. To share your internet connection on this hotspot go to the Network and sharing center and click on Change adapter setting. Here right click on the Connection that you use to connect to internet and select properties. In properties go to Sharing tab and check the box "Allow other network users to connect through this computer's internet connection" and select the network connection name that is used by your hotspot.(For this check the Network Connection Window and look for Connection which says Microsoft Hosted Network Virtual Adapter). And save it.
Now your internet connection is shared.

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How to create Wifi hotspot without any software | using command prompt How to create Wifi hotspot without any software | using command prompt Reviewed by Danish Yaqoob on 03:21:00 Rating: 5


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