Best Way to Promote Affiliate Products without a Website
There must be one thing stopping you from promoting affiliate products from popular affiliate product sites like Clickbankor any other affiliate program for that matter: you don�t have a website.
As you well know, affiliate marketing is best promoted in websites using contextual advertising. This usually means that the product must be somewhat related to your website.
However, contextual advertising will only work if the website has already established credibility and can drive in a huge amount of traffic. Obviously, that�s easier said than done, so you might as well try promoting affiliate products using other techniques. But are there any in the first place?
If you don�t have a website that fits with the demands of top-selling affiliate products, you shouldn�t lose hope just yet.
Affiliate marketing can also be done in a number of ways that are just as effective when done with a website. And by effective, I mean profitable!
All it takes are three fairly easy steps�
Step 1: Write High-Quality Articles
After you have chosen your affiliate products of your choice, you should proceed to choosing your targeted keywords. You can do this by using keyword tools like Wordtracker. Choose the keywords that have the least competition and can drive targeted traffic.
With the best set of keywords, proceed to writing high-quality articles about the affiliate product. Now, where do the keywords come in? You basically have to sprinkle them throughout the articles with about 2 to 5% keyword density.
Be careful not to go overboard or search engines will tag your article as spammy and will therefore not come out in the search engine results.
Search engine optimization, or SEO, sounds big and complex, but it�s really just about placing the keywords right so search engines like Yahoo! and Google can crawl through your website and place it among the top searches.
Now, the articles must be informative and have value to the reader. It�s the only way they�ll read through the article! Further, it will establish your credibility as a writer and therefore create a connection that will compel your reader to buy your affiliate products.
Step 2: Submit the Articles to Article Submission Sites
With search engine optimized articles to boot, it�s now time for you to get your articles out to the public. How exactly will you do this?
You are going to submit your articles to article submission sites. Basically, these are sites that contain a repertoire of articles of different topics ranging from dating to housing options. It�s that varied! By submitting your articles to these sites, you are publishing your articles in the web free of charge and without any website!
In other words, you don�t have to worry about not having a fully managed website as these articles can stand on its own and get the traffic you need to earn a commission. Here are a list of article submission sites to get you started with:
Of course, there are many other submission sites for affiliate products, but why am I mentioning these ones? These websites have a Google PageRank of at least 5, which is credible and strong enough for search engines. You want the articles of your affiliate products to appear in the best article directories, don�t you? remains to be one of the largest article submission sites. Its standards are quite stringent, so you have to watch out for your grammar and content.
Step 3: Drive Traffic to Your Articles
Once you see your articles published in the article directories of your choice, the next step to gaining profits from the products is getting word out not about the product but about the articles.
There are two ways to do this: sending email messages and participating in forums. You can send email blasts if you have a large contact list. Choose snippets of the articles that are interesting, slightly redo them in a more conversational tone, include links of the products, and then send it to a mass of people online.
Another way, participating in forums, is more manageable if you think your email contacts are not interested in the affiliate products you have to offer. You just have to get to the forums where issues related to your products are being discussed.
For example, if you are marketing electronic devices, you will find a plethora of forums talking about electronics and the varied opinions of people about certain electronic products. Why don�t you participate in these forums yourself and give them a piece of your mind.
You don�t have to talk in a robotic and hard sell manner; you can just simply give them a piece of your mind and tell them about the affiliate product you strongly believe in. In the Internet, honesty in tone is valued in forums more than anything else.
With these three easy steps, nothing should stop you now from marketing affiliate products. What�s even better about these steps is the absence of added costs. While a website will have to be regularly maintained and renewed for domain registration, articles will stand the test of time and will give you passive income.
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Best Way to Promote Affiliate Products without a Website
Reviewed by Danish Yaqoob
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