DoFollow Links from NoFollow Article Directory Sites

DoFollow Links from NoFollow Article Directory Sites

Article Directory Sites

NoFollow Article Directory Sites and Their Bad RAP!

This article about article directory sites that come with the NoFollow attribute is a little bit shorter than my usual articles, and for very good reason� this is more of a testimonial of my brief stupidity. But, in this short lived Brain-Fart came a valuable lesson that I�d like to share with you.
Last week I had a guy submit a comment on my blog article �7 DoFollow High PR Article Submission Sites!�� he told me that he thought that one of my sites listed, was a �NoFollow� site. Boy, did I feel like an idiot� he was right!
On another note, this nofollow site, has close to 10 million views per month according to, which is higher than the other DoFollow sites I have listed.
Did YOU Know that YOU Can Gain DoFollow BackLinks to Your Site from NoFollow Article Directory Sites� If DONE RIGHT OF COURSE� Keep Reading to Find OUT HOW?
It is nothing new that many of us already know that the �DoFollow� article directory sites are a good thing to build strong, high quality backlinks leading back to your site to assist in the boosting of your site�s PageRank. For a while, I too believed that there was little benefit to submitting my articles to sites that carry the �NoFollow� attribute.
For those that don�t know� anytime you submit an article to an article directory site, you have submitted your writing brilliance to a site that is a public domain for others to copy your content. These article directory website�s are �public content depositories� where webmasters can search for, then select content to place on their own site. CERTAIN RULES APPLY OF COURSE!
Below, I will discuss how to gain DoFollow BackLinks to your site from the NoFollow article directory sites!

Negatives of the NoFollow Article Sites!

If you are not familiar with what it means to be a �nofollow site�� in a nutshell Google will not follow a link that leads back to your site if the �nofollow tag/attribute� is attached to the link.
The nofollow tag was initially created to keep spammers from leaving useless links back to their sites on every possible forum, blog and social network with the hopes of creating better search engine rankings. Google appears to follow the �NoFollow� rule more strictly than the Yahoo and Bing search engines.
Interpretation: No Link Love from Google!

What I Did to Gain the DoFollow BackLinks from the NoFollow Article Directory Sites!

Here is my story of the incredible Inbound Links that I have received from this highly searched and viewed, NoFollow site known as
I placed an article on the and within a few days, I received 4 backlinks from sites that copied and placed my article on their site. One of those backlinks was from a High PageRank site known as that Featured my article for almost a week on their front page. You can see the article here: Keyword Optimization � How to Optimize for Google Search Results!
Keyword Optimization
The following week I created another article that happen to have the same internal cross-link in it, so in turn I received a total of 10+ backlinks coming back to just this one article.
The only reason I knew that somebody copied my content was due to the trackbacks that are built into the WordPress platform that show up when there is a inbound link leading back to my site from another WordPress site.
These 10+ links are acting like votes for this ONE article stating that the Google Panda Update post is a great article and needs to be ranked accordingly. NOT only that, but the articles that were copied had at least 2 links within them, so I am receiving link juice from the person�s site that copied my article back to each page that the link leads to.
You can check out the 10 trackback links here: Google Panda Update � Get Ranked, NOT Penalized(Scroll down to the beginning of the comments and you will see these backlinks from the people that used my articles)� these are just backlinks for the Google Panda Update article, there are many, many more leading to other pages.

What YOU Need to DO to Gain these DoFollow Inbound Links!

Here is the trick to gaining these backlinks when somebody copies your content from a nofollow directory site. To begin with, you need to know that not all the people that copy materials from article directory sites will follow the rules (they are supposed to copy the �Author Bio� along with the article, but many will not, leaving you without a link(s) back to your site).
Considering that many of the people that don�t follow the rules are lazy, looking for the easy way out, they most likely will not take the time to remove the link that is within the article itself (there are many people that have copied my articles, and when I visit the site where my article is, my Author Bio is not on the page, but my internal link is).
So, in order to gain the best chances for having an inbound link or two back to your site, you will need to make sure you do internal cross-linking within your content, not only is it a good SEO practice for you to do with your own articles, but make sure that this cross-link is within your content when you submit it to the article directory submission sites.
Another SEO Tip for you to gain followers and receive backlinks� one thing I do each time I publish an article to an article directory site, besides having links in the Author Bio area and internal cross-linking, I put a �Related Article� sentence (similar to how I did it at the end of this post) with a link within the content at the end of the article.
If people like your article and you mention that there is a similar one at the following link, they will usually click on it.

Closing Comments About NoFollow Article Directory Sites!

Remember, even though you are wanting to receive a backlink from a DoFollow site, keep in mind what was said above. With the increased popularity of article directory sites, submission sites like ArticleBase should not be passed over because it is not a DoFollow site� remember, this site has close to 10 million readers per month increasing your chances of being noticed.
If you do it right and submit your content to the NoFollow article directory sites that are of high traffic volume, you can still receive inbound backlinks that will be without the �NoFollow� attribute attached once they are copied by somebody for their site.
Quality Backlinks are a Great Method to Help You Establish Your Blog as an Authority Site�another Related Article you might like is 10 Link Building Tips � How to Get Authority Backlinks! IN This Blog Post I Will Reveal 10 Link Building Methods + a Secret Code to Gain High Quality Backlinks to Your Site!
DoFollow Links from NoFollow Article Directory Sites DoFollow Links from NoFollow Article Directory Sites Reviewed by Danish Yaqoob on 03:27:00 Rating: 5

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