Websites That Pays: List of 21 Get Paid To Blog Websites

Websites That Pays: List of 21 Get Paid To Blog Websites

If you are aiming at consistent and quickest way to make money from your blog, then you should look out for websites that pays to blog. Websites that pays to blog are those websites where you will be wring sponsored posts for advertisers. Websites that pays to blog or get paid to blog websites are marketplace for buying and selling paid reviews on top blogs in any niche. So get paid to blog websites work as a middleman between the potential advertisers and publishers.
Paid to blog websites are used by large as well as small bloggers to earn additional income from their self hosted and free blogs created on Blogger or WordPress type of content management systems best suited for managing blogs.
Websites that pays to blogThere are lots of companies who will be interested in paying you good amount of money for writing about their products and services on your b log. With most of get paid to blog websites, you will need a popular blog in its niche with good amount of traffic coming from search engines for targeted search terms. With paid to blog websites, you will have full control over the kind of paid reviews you actually want to accept on your blog and for what prices.
In every niche, there are some blogs, where advertisers want to see good words about their website products and services. And through paid blogging websites, they can achieve the same by paying a decent amount of money in exchange for positive or natural review about their services.
You will need to submit your best blogs on these networks to increase your chances of making money with them. Most popular websites that pays to blog accept only aged, frequently updated and high search engine traffic blog only. So once you are accepted by get paid to blog websites, you should check your account on these websites from time to time. Apart from this, you should have a Paypal account as most paid blogging websites send payments via Paypal to its publishers. With some paid to blog networks, you can ask for a check even. Amount of money you can think of making for every published review varies from $5 to $500 or even which depends upon your blog popularity and advertiser�s paying capacity.
If you are also one of those like me who believe get paid to blog websites can really help you in making great amount of income from your blog, here is the ultimate list of websites that pays to blog:

1. Sponsored Reviews

SponsoredReviewsSponsored Reviews is a marketplace for buying and selling paid reviews and is a win-win situation for both the advertiser and publisher. Publishers are able to earn some extra income for doing their regular blogging and advertisers are able to get benefit by spreading links and words about their websites and services on top blogs in their niche. Targeted links from top blogs in their niche help advertisers generate more traffic from search engines and thus more business inquiries and sales. Your blog should be 3 months old, indexed in major search engines and 10 high quality posts before you go for applying as a publisher with Sponsored Reviews website. Click here to know how to start making money writing paid reviews for Sponsored Reviews website.

2. LinkWorth

LinkWorthLinkWorth is a marketplace for buying and selling text links and paid reviews on blogs. Link Worth has 10�s of products that advertisers and publishers can use to get maximum benefit from their websites and blogs. Apart from writing reviews and selling links on blogs, publishers can earn extra income by sending quality advertisers to LinkWorth marketplace. Click here to know various ways one can use to start making money with Link Worth advertising network.

3. ReviewMe

ReviewMeReview Me is an active marketplace where publishers are paid good amount of money for writing reviews as per advertisers requirements. You should have an active and popular blog before you go for applying as a publisher with Review Me as they only accept popular blogs in their network. Chances of your blog being accepted into ReviewMe marketplace increase if it carries high page rank, alexa rankings, RSS subscribers etc. Click here to know more in detail aboutmoney making opportunities with Review Me website.

4. Smorty

SmortyWrite your views about publisher�s websites on your blog and get paid from advertisers. You will be paid at least $6 for every paid review you write for Smorty advertiser�s on your blog. In the past I had great success writing paid reviews for advertisers on this network. But recently it has gone a bit inactive. But since it�s one of websites that pays to blog, I�m including it in this list. You need to login into your Smorty account frequently to grap open money making opportunities. Once you have written and submitted a paid review for approval into Smorty, it takes 4-5 business days before approving your paid review. They used to send payments every week to eligible publishers into their Paypal accounts. Click here to start using Smorty blog advertising network for making additional revenue from your blog.

5. PayPerPost

PayPerPostPay Per Post is one of most trusted get paid to blog websites where publishers are paid decent money for every review they publish for advertisers on their blogs. Your chances of making money with pay Per Post are huge if you have a blog having high page rank like 5 or 6. Your blog must have 3 months age, it should be in English and 20 quality posts in last three months before you went on to apply as a publisher with Pay Per Post blog marketing network. Click here to apply for PayPerPost, a get paid to blog advertising website.

6. BlogsVertise

BlogsvertiseAgain you need to submit your best blog for approval in case you want to get approval into Blogsvertise network. Once accepted, you will start receiving get paid to blog opportunities directly into your inbox. We need to give at least three links to advertiser�s website in our review and our review length should be more than 100 words. We are supposed to complete each given task within five days after assigned to us. I himself had some success writing paid reviews for advertisers available on Blogsvertise website on my free blogs in the past. Click here to start writing paid reviews for Blogsvertise advertiser�s websites on your blog.

7. LinkFromBlog

LinkFromBlogBest thing about Link From Blog website is that they don�t change any commission from publisher�s earnings. Advertisers can use various parameters like Alexa Ranking, Page Rank, domain page and backlinks count etc to find the blogs of their choice in their chosen categories. As a publisher, you can send invitation to all advertisers showing your interest of writing paid reviews for them. In response, advertisers can reject, accept or reply back with their counter offer for your invitation. Click here to start using LinkFromBlog website for writing paid reviews on your blog.

8. BuyBlogReviews

BuyBlogReviewsBuy Blog Reviews is a paid blogging network very similar to Sponsored Reviews website keeping in mind they also allows all bloggers to place bids all open opportunities. You can make any money from $5 to $100 for even more from each approved opportunity. They have been keeping a 70:30 revenue ratio with their publishers. They used to send payments twice a month via paypal to all eligible publishers. Click here to start making money writing reviews for Buy Blog Reviews advertisers on your blog.

9. Blogitive

BlogitiveBlogitive is another opportunity where we can earn some extra income by writing paid reviews on our blogs. You will be able to make $5 for each approved opportunity into your Blogitive account and the minimum word count that you need to write for each paid post on your blog is 100 words only. So $5 for writing 100 words is not a bad deal at all. Click here to make money blogging with Blogitive website.

10. Teliad

TeliadTeliad is a text link buying and selling marketplace. Apart from text links selling, we can sell paid reviews on our blog to potential advertisers on Teliad. Recently, I himself had great some success writing paid reviews for advertisers available on this advertising network. I was able to get $60 plus for each paid review that I wrote for advertisers on this website. Click here to start selling text links and paid reviews on your blog with Teliad website.

11. BlogToProfit

BlogToProfitBlog to Profit accepts blogs that provide unique and high quality content only. Your blog must be 2 months old and should be updated twice every week. Once a task has been assigned to a blogger blog, they need to submit the same in the next 5 days. In the absence of this, that task will be passed onto other bloggers. Bloggers need to write 150 plus words per paid review and they need to make sure, the paid review remain live on their website for the next one year at least. Click hereto start making money with Blog to profit website that pays us to blog.

12. LoudLaunch

LoudLaunchLoud launch is a paid blogging network that potential advertisers are using to create buzz, traffic, backlinks, branding and search engine visibility for their website products and services. Working as a publisher, you need to have an active blog having 2 months minimum age and verified Paypal account. Click here to start using Loud Launch advertising and promotion campaigns to start making money from your blogs.

13. Blogadvertisingstore

BlogadvertisingstoreAdvertisers are able to get better search engine rankings, targeted visitors and backlinks to their website by getting paid reviews on blogs of their choice through this blog advertising network. Bloggers are able to earn extra money from their blogs by writing paid posts for the open opportunities of their choice. Click here to start using Blog Advertising Store network for earning extra money from your blog.

14. PayU2Blog

PayU2BlogWe need to have 3 months old blog at least while applying for a publisher account on PayU2Blog website. PayU2Blog team takes 2-3 business days before accepting or rejecting a new publisher application. They have advertisers from all major categories. So as a blogger, you will find some opportunities matching your blog niche. They send payments in every two week to the eligible publishers. Click here to start using PayU2Blog get paid to blog website for earning extra revenue from your blog website.

15. BloggingAds

BloggingAdsBlogging Ads website gives us the opportunity to make money from our blogs by selling ad space and writing paid reviews for advertisers available on this paid to blog website. The average money you will be making while working as bloggers with Blogging Ads website is $5. Click here to start using Blogging Ads network on your blog.

16. Bloggertizer

BloggertizerBlogger Tizer is another websites that pays us to post paid links and paid reviews on our blogs. So you will be making some money for every link or paid review that you publish on your blog through this paid blogging website. Click here to start using Blogger Tizer advertising on your blog.

17. ReviewStream

ReviewStreamReview Stream website allows us to make some extra money by submitting our review on their website. You can make $1.50 or even more per submitted review depending upon your review quality and number of votes it�s generated. You are not supposed to use the same review on your blog as it may result in termination of your account from Review Stream network. Click here to start making money by writing reviews for Review Stream website�s advertisers on your blog.

18. SoftwareJudge

SoftwareJudgeWe can make money in the range of $50 even for a good written review for the software�s that are mentioned on Software Judge Website. So we are supposed to write reviews about software�s that are available on this website. Click hereto start getting paid for your reviews for SoftwareJudge website.

19. Epinions website pays real people for writing unbiased reviews about the products. We are supposed to write 20 words at least in our review to be eligible to get our review published on their website. Click here to start making money through Epinions reviews website.

20. BlogDistributor

BlogDistributorAdvertisers use Blog Distributor paid network to get high rankings for their websites. When we as bloggers are linking to advertisers websites in our blog posts as per client request will help them in better search engine rankings and thus more business for them in the form of their products or services.Click here to start getting paid for blogging for Blog Distributor network.

21. SocialSpark

SocialSparkSocial Spark gives us the opportunity to make money from our blogs by writing about the advertiser�s products, services and their websites on our blog. For each opportunity that we receive from advertisers, we can reject it, accept it or can do further negotiation with the advertiser. Click here to start using SocialSpark, blog advertising network.
Websites That Pays: List of 21 Get Paid To Blog Websites Websites That Pays: List of 21 Get Paid To Blog Websites Reviewed by Danish Yaqoob on 05:28:00 Rating: 5

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