Learn HTML in Urdu | HTML basic techniques

Learn HTML in Urdu

HTML is the basic Web designing language that is used in web development

You can create a new web page with some simple HTML basic techniques by learning HTML in your own language. Once you download and read this book, you'll realize that you got wings to fly in the web development world. You have all those wings in the package we are providing you in the download link. Language of this book is Urdu(A native Pakistani Language).
We have grouped these notes in Urdu from a start to an end. This book is very informative and helpful for students and those who take interest to develop HTML website, want to Learn HTML in Urdu and want to carry on their professional career in web.

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Learn HTML in Urdu | HTML basic techniques Learn HTML in Urdu | HTML basic techniques Reviewed by Danish Yaqoob on 10:47:00 Rating: 5

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