How to fix Chrome Aw Snap Error in windows 10

Chrome Aw Snap Error in windows 10
Google chrome gives an aw snap error on every page since I installed windows 10 on my computer. This error was not there before but since i downloaded the latest copy of it I started to see this error. I have been looking for an easy fix because I did not like the method given on Google's support as they needed me to find a troubleshoot the bug and i don't have time for that.So I decided to find out the issue myself. I started to browse different pages that I have been facing "Ah snap error" on Google chrome. I found that this error was not coming in the previous versions of chrome. Since Google has also started updating its software with the update of windows 8.1 to windows 10. I noticed that the latest update of chrome is officially known as Dev edition. Which I think is the root cause of this bug.

So lets get Cracking!

I know everyone is not developer who can understand what's going on in the logical panel of Google chrome and Google should also take care of that. But unfortunately they launched a Dev edition that a normal person won't understand until he is notified. Usually we go for the latest versions of a software so as the trend is-we don't know if it's a development or beta version or a stable one- we go for the latest one. Anyways, I don't wanna go further on that rather I should describe the real scenario here.
How to fix Chrome Aw Snap Error in windows 10

Chrome Aw snap error windows 10 easy fix

If you are seeing Aw snap error on every page you browse that's not because your windows has upgraded from older version to win10. The reason is, since Google has the Dev version of chrome on the live site. Many of us don't understand if it's a development edition or a fully functional browser. We should opt in for an older stable version so that we don't face any difficulty in browsing the web. You can find the link to the stable most recent older version at the end of this post.
Download link

How to fix Chrome Aw Snap Error in windows 10 How to fix Chrome Aw Snap Error in windows 10 Reviewed by Danish Yaqoob on 11:42:00 Rating: 5

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