Create a database using xampp in just 1 minute
Today i am going to show you how to create a database in just 1 minute
Follow given below step to create a new database using xampp
Follow given below step to create a new database using xampp
- First you need to download and install xampp in you pc in order to create a new database.
- After successfully install xamp server on your pc then open xampp server.
- After opening xampp server you can need to start apache and Mysql.
- After start apache and mysql then open your browser.
- Then enter following address in address bar. "localhost/phpmyadmin" the enter.
- Now you can see phpmyadmin pannel .
- In php myadmin you can click on databases.
- Then you can enter your database name and click on create.
- Now you can see the massage about database add successfully.
- Check the video.
Create a database using xampp in just 1 minute
Reviewed by Danish Yaqoob

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